Monday, March 12, 2012

Puberty and your child with Asperger's syndrome.

Puberty brings with it challenges for all children, however, children with autism spectrum disorders face increased challenges through puberty. The behavior issues of impulsivity can increase in both frequency and intensity. Children who have experienced bullying and experience bullying in the middle school years may become increasingly aggressive. Adolescence can become a very difficult time for a child with Aspergers Syndrome as peers may no longer be willing to tolerate someone who seems different. Moodiness, depression and anxiety can also develop in adolescence due to hormonal imbalances, and the increased separation of the child with an autism spectrum disorder and their peers. 

This is a time of their life when social demands become more complex and it becomes increasingly important to be able to understand social cues. Children with ASD can be more vulnerable to manipulation by others and peer pressure. They are likely to experience more rejection among their peers. With individuals who have autism/Asperger's syndrome, interaction with peers usually creates more anxiety than 
interaction with younger or older people.

For more information on these and other challenges your child with Asperger's syndrome will face, and how to help them get through it check out Dave Angel's Parenting Asperger's Resource Guide.

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